Monday, November 26, 2012

Surviving the Oil Spill

In the midst of the latest devastating oil spill disaster, there has been much discussion about the effects of the toxic oil to the environment. There has also been discussion about the many innocent hardworking Americans who live on the Gulf coast that have lost their jobs and businesses due to decreases in tourist spending. The other topic frequently debated is about the workers of the defective oil rig that have lost their jobs. Although there has been some compensation to a few of the victims affected by the oil spill, not nearly enough to get their lives back to normal.

The effects of the oil spill can be felt from the coast of Texas all the way to the coast of Florida. If you are a victim of the recent oil spill debacle, you may be wondering what you need to do to ensure that your rights and livelihood are protected. You could put in a claim to be compensated for some of your losses, but the likeliness that you will receive any significant reimbursement when filing independently is very low. In the long run, it is much more effective to find an attorney that will be able to seek those responsible for this situation and make them pay for the stress and loss of income that you have incurred. Those fighting for damages with an attorney are much more likely to receive a fair return of income than those combating the big oil companies alone. Most normal hardworking Americans don't know their rights or energy business law, and that is why it is important to find an advocate that is educated and has expertise with energy business law. If you live in the Dallas/Fort worth Texas area, there are Fort Worth oil rig accident lawyers who are experienced in protecting the victims of oil rig disasters and standing up to the big oil companies. Those responsible need to pay for the destruction done to the gulf coast and its residents; finding a good lawyer to represent you during this rough time will guarantee that you get what you deserve.

What Happens If I Win My Employment Tribunal?   New Labor Laws Don't Mean Much Until the Trial Lawyers Start Creating Case Law   Children and Women Labor Law   Immigration Lawyers - What Are They Good for?   

Genuine Federal and State Labor Law Posters

Every one knows that United State of America is a national aggregation of associate provinces. Every state is awarded with its separate government. But there has to be sufficient fulfillment with the federal laws as well. All disputes, at this stage, are solved in the National best Court of America. Today, employees are becoming more and more aware of their civil rights. Therefore, a corporation or business organization of course calls for federal and state labor law poster. A contemporary and sympathetic organization has to assist their workers to become conscious of the labor system so that they can put in order their legal demands. In addition, such alertness drives check labor turbulence and save the organization from unnecessary downtime.

If you are looking for latest posters regarding labor laws and workplace protection, coordinated graphical and textual presentations must be respected.Posters are compulsory to place on the place of work. Compliance with employment law should be a top main concern to stay away from lawful dilemma and strife situations. Also, the stride unions can assist their members by income of such significant posters. Typical federal and state labor law posters must have straight answers to uncomplicated questions from the employees. These posters are on paper with the assistance of a professional legal analysts, labor activists, and excited artists. In case of changes in the legal situation of the state, the posters, too, should be updated appropriately to stay away from unnecessary complications.

If we look into past we see that the labor movements in United States undoubtedly indicates that there should not be any loop-hole in manufacturing dealings. The United States establishment has solved such problems by making some effective changes in the systems. Such changes produced an effective and positive changes in the work place surroundings, laws associated to labor-management, decision-making perspectives towards disputes, and a lot more. These managerial reforms revolutionize the United States labor force in a very successful and impressive means. Today, in cooperation community and business sectors, labor law enforcement is a very important matter. In a state like America, right to free expression is a dangerous stuff and needs to be secluded in every situation. Levelheaded company houses have brought reforms from their own side to give confidence and get better their labor force. The federal and state labor law posters are therefore intended for better affluence of the country.

What Happens If I Win My Employment Tribunal?   New Labor Laws Don't Mean Much Until the Trial Lawyers Start Creating Case Law   Children and Women Labor Law   Immigration Lawyers - What Are They Good for?   

Maritime Law Firm: Should Be Considered By a Maritime Employee

It did not mean that accidents and personal injury cases needs to occur before a maritime employee would go to a Maritime Law Firm. As most individual know, maritime industry was one of the most riskiest industry and at the same time it was one of the biggest and rapidly growing. There were several unsolved cases involving maritime industry because of the lack of awareness of the maritime employee of their privileges and their claims in the event of unexpected instances that could happened in the presence of their work.

If you ask, are you going to wait that you'll suffer a personal injury on work before moving on and seeking a help from a lawyer of a Maritime Law firm?

The responsible maritime employee was responsible and concern to his life and began by seeking a maritime lawyer from a quality maritime law firm, it was not because you're engage in personal injury case but for the purposed of cutting all the doubts and stains in your mind that continues to bother you. It was best advised that you could consult a maritime lawyer because the mention lawyers were focused on the issues regarding maritime employees cases, and other maritime issues with the intersection of the Merchant Marine act of 1920.

The Merchant Marine Act of 1920 or the Maritime Law was very important to sailors, seaman and maritime employees because the said law serves as their protection and the claims and privileges of a certain maritime employee depends on their working status.

There were several Maritime law firm that you could see in order to have the best maritime lawyer that could answer questions and clear the things that bothers you. Certainly no one could avoid the calling of risk especially when it was already attached to the daily task that you were tackling.

What a maritime law firm could was to provide you a maritime lawyer that could assess you, it means that they would make you understand your claims in the case of having a personal injury or met an accident, also they could defend you if the case was on going so that you would not end in negligence and will be helpless for the rest of your life.

Always consider the performance of maritime law firm in having a lawyer, in that way referring you to another lawyer could be avoided. Referring you to another lawyer could indeed make the progress of your case slow. Be wise enough for the your own sake.

What Happens If I Win My Employment Tribunal?   New Labor Laws Don't Mean Much Until the Trial Lawyers Start Creating Case Law   Children and Women Labor Law   Immigration Lawyers - What Are They Good for?   

Be Responsible - Know Jones Act Law Or The Jones Act Maritime Law

What will be the thing to come in your mind when you hear about Jones Act Law or Jones Act Maritime Law? It is certainly a law, but what kind of law and they were referring to what specific field or cases?

In our society, several law were passed and each of which were taking a specific cases covered. One of those law were the Jones Act Law or sometimes called as the Jones Act Maritime Law. Both of the mentioned law refers to the Merchant Marine Act of 1920 which was passed by senator Wesley Jones. This law specifically covers the protection for the maritime workers and govern maritime activities, marine navigation, sailors and seamen. This law is the body of public international law dealing with the navigation rights and jurisdiction over coastal waters and international law governing relationships between nations.

You were aware that maritime industry came to be one of the most riskiest industry, though they paid their workers high. The workers often times were working longer hours compared to regular employee, the said workers were working offshore and often times they were away for couple of months. Because of these the health of the workers may be affected, the may suffer from in adequate medical attention that could result to a health complication or a personal injury. In addition, these also came to be the reason of the accidents during their work, one example was the accident which my father's co-worker had suffer. The accident happened late at night, it was very fast and less than an hour the man was already set in the hospital. My father told us that his co-worker was checking out for the engine condition when the heard a quick tick and it was followed with a fire and the man was reached by the fire and suffered from second degree burn. They immediately came to rescue the man and it was a good thing that during those times they were situated in a dock to unload their material. Before they took off for another assignment, the man was recovering but it was very slow, he was left in the hospital and look after by a company representative for his needs.

As you would see that was the reality, no one could escape from danger and you could never tell when and where accidents and injuries might visit you, there were no specific time and place.

What Happens If I Win My Employment Tribunal?   New Labor Laws Don't Mean Much Until the Trial Lawyers Start Creating Case Law   Children and Women Labor Law   Immigration Lawyers - What Are They Good for?   

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC): The Appearance of Justice

One of America's deep, dark secrets is workplace abuse. Victims of discrimination are speaking out from all over the country. There is a growing workplace battleground where a record number of employees are being fired, demoted and otherwise punished for speaking out against discrimination and harassment such as sexism, sexual harassment, sex and race discrimination, stalking, intimidation and other acts of workplace abuse. We need to prepare to expose it. These abusive workplace managers (bully management) have no incentives to stop their abusive and hostile acts against their employees.

When one feels that they were treated unfairly in the workplace, the only choice they have is to file an EEO complaint also called a discrimination complaint also known as workplace abuse. They were designed to control the federal government's exposure to criticism by their employees. Without them, the federal government would appear to the world to be hypocrites. It might affect the federal government's ability to control foreign and domestic policies.

The current laws were written to protect employees from workplace abuses, but the judges (EEOC, MSPB, and Federal Court) - ALL interpret the laws as if they were written to protect the agencies. EEOC has clearly failed its mission to protect employees in the workplace. It does not work and needs to be abolished and replaced with something that will work.

Many victims are unsure of their options. Once educated on their options, many can make more sound decisions on what steps to take. Everyone must understand how the system works. When victims find out there is no justice by filing an EEOC complaint, they lose some of their spirit to continue to fight. It's a rude awakening but for many, it's all the more reason they must continue to fight. Once you file one complaint, whether you filed it on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or age - your life goes under a microscope. You will end up filing more complaints referred to as retaliation complaints especially if you work for the federal government. In other words, the reprisals will be so severe once you file one complaint, that your managers will alienate you away from your co-workers and even use them to carry out selfish acts of harassment against you. You are left with no other choice but to file another complaint.

The goal of abusive managers is to break the spirit of good, hard working, honest employees. When you break the spirit of people - you are left with a person who can't think for themselves. Take for instance the alarming statistics of black women who work on the federal level. One out of every 20 black women (if not less) - 1) have been on stress leave, 2) is on stress leave, 3) or is contemplating going on stress leave. Why the disparities? After filing an EEOC complaint, chances are whether you are a male but especially a female - you will end up on UNPAID stress leave because of the retaliation. Other repercussions for filing a discrimination complaint is: 1) filing for bankruptcy because there is little or no income to pay your mortgage, 2) getting divorced because of the mental and financial pressure on your spouse and family, 3) loss of good health and life insurance because you are off from work for over a year, 4) loss of your health and spirit, and 5) for many becoming homeless.

As Corporate America moves increasingly more towards diversity, they would have to learn to treat people with dignity. They must embrace fair hiring not only because it is the right thing to do also because it's good business. Over the last decade the names of major companies sued for discrimination read like a Who's Who of American business. Just to name a few -Texaco - $176 million settlement; Denny's - $42 million settlement; Adams Mark - $8 million settlement; Shoney's - $132 million settlement; Los Angeles County Police Department - $100 million settlement (largest settlement in its history for racial and gender discrimination); AstraAB, a pharmaceutical company - $9.8 million (sexual harassment class action); Sheet Metal Workers International Union - $2.6 million.

In some companies or agencies, abuse comes in forms of intimidation and harassment which not only pollutes the entire workforce but it affects the taxpayers as well. For instance in the case of the United States Customs Service where over 1300 African American women international travelers in Chicago had to come together to file a class-action lawsuit against U.S. Customs for abusive and illegal pat-downs and strip-searches. Eventually only eighty-seven (87) women received justice and were awarded $21,000 individually, out of a $2 million dollar settlement. This is a prime example of how unmanageable managers and employees and their policies and practices can also affect the public and taxpayers. To this day many of these women fear the government and are afraid to board airplanes.

Don't forget about how IRS agents went on Gestapo Type Raids and carried out a rampage against good, hard working taxpayers. Many taxpayers ended up committing suicide because their homes, cars and other possessions were taken away from them illegally. Everyone should remember Jennifer Long, a whistleblower, who testified against the IRS abuses. Some companies welcome women, African Americans or gays, but are horrible at welcoming the disabled. If you don't have an inclusive workforce, people know that. The word a diverse market gets out pretty fast. You have to walk the walk.

Many women and African Americans employees who experience blatant acts of sex and racial discrimination are the last hired and the first fired. These minorities are treated as if they are second and third class citizens in their own country. Article 5 of the Declaration of Human Rights states that - no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. But because of the current economy, this is exactly what's taking place in workplaces all over the United States.

African Americans are being fired at an alarming rate, while other managers and employees bring in their relatives to replace them. Eighty percent (80%) of complaints that enter into any civil rights office is employment discrimination. Women and African Americans should not and cannot afford to back away from the workplace. Not everyone can become an entrepreneur and open their own business so we must keep pushing forward to provide opportunities for people. We can no longer turn a blind eye to these types of disparities. Something must now be done!

The answers are in the halls of Congress and unless the public/taxpayers take another look at workplace abuse and demand change, people will continue to become victims.

With Corporations continuing to downsize and many jobs being outsourced and sent overseas, there must be some type of public outcry that allows workplace abuses without constraints or checks and balances. We are left with no other choices but to take action and move forward to change the system. We can no longer afford to remain quiet. Our kids must understand that even though there is an appearance of justice there is NO JUSTICE when you file a complaint in the workplace. They must learn that when they leave the comfort of their homes, there is something very sinister out there called workplace abuse. They must understand that they have no other choice but to open their own businesses.

What Happens If I Win My Employment Tribunal?   New Labor Laws Don't Mean Much Until the Trial Lawyers Start Creating Case Law   Children and Women Labor Law   Immigration Lawyers - What Are They Good for?   

An Overview of Labor Laws in India

The labor laws in India provide for labor rights and regulate terms of employment. Typically, labor laws are laws pertaining to employer-employee relationships. They guarantee few legal rights to the workers. Further, they aim to promote interests of the workers.

The labor laws can be classified in two major categories. The first category consists of laws defining the relationship between trade unions, employees and employers. The second category includes laws that provides for rights of employees at work place. Labor laws were formulated to address demands of workers for improvement of working conditions, wages, working hours, protection of labor rights and settlement of industrial disputes.

Indian laws on labor rights and work places are regulated by the Ministry of Labor and Employment. The major Indian laws pertaining to rights of workers and employment are, such as:

The Industrial Dispute Act, 1947. The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965. The Payment of Wages Act, 1936. The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986. The Trade Unions Act, 1926. The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961. The Factories Act, 1948. The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976. The Employee's State Insurance Act, 1948.

Labor Law: Things to Know

Labor laws in India provide for the provision of legal strikes and the right to strike. However, the Government is empowered to limit these rights in favor of public order. Here are few things to know about labor laws in India:

The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947

The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, was enacted in 1947. Few provisions of the Act are derived from the Trade Dispute Act, 1929. It provided for formation of two types of institutions to promote industrial peace, namely, the Works committees and the Industrial Tribunals.

The committees comprise of the representatives of workers and employers. It aims to promote harmonious relations and smooth the communication process between the parties. The tribunals were empowered to address industrial disputes.

The International Labor Organization (ILO) is the international body that addresses labor issues and promotes labor rights. Further, it upholds the principle 'labor is not a commodity' and calls for equal, fair and dignified treatment to workers at workplace.

What Happens If I Win My Employment Tribunal?   New Labor Laws Don't Mean Much Until the Trial Lawyers Start Creating Case Law   Children and Women Labor Law   Immigration Lawyers - What Are They Good for?   

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